Acorns in an era of climate change

In this video, Marcie Mayer takes your around her oak farm in Greece and shows you behind-the-scenes how acorns are being used as food.

Acorns are a gluten-free, high nutrient food source we need to pay attention to, especially in an era of climate change.

As food security becomes more and more fragile, they could be part of the solution to feeding the country.

If stored correctly (which Marcie talks about in the video), they can be preserved for decades.

As she says: “That food security doesn’t exist in any other material”. Other nuts simply go rancid.

Recently I interviewed Marcie for my podcast. She reveals all about how to gather, store, process and use acorns in your home. Click here.

Oak – Its Food, Medicine and Other Uses

You’ll learn the parts used as food and medicine, recipes, harvest time, nutrition and other ways humans use this amazing plantclick here to find out more.