Brined Alexanders

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Brined Alexanders? Sounds really weird… all that salt etc. But not so, because this Alexanders recipe turned out a treat.

Let the Alexanders sit in the cupboard for a couple of months before using. I make wild relishes with them.


  • Young pre-flowering Alexanders stems (chopped)
  • Salt
  • Water


  1. Blanch the Alexanders in 1tbsp of salt per pint of boiling water for 30 seconds.
  2. Remove from heat and immediately put into cold water.
  3. Next, add 1 heaped tbsp of sea salt for every half pint of boiled water. Allow to cool slightly.
  4. Put the Alexanders into a sterilised heat resistant jar, and pour over the brine solution until the Alexanders are totally covered.
  5. Cap and store in the cupboard for two months before using.

Makes: As many jars as you have Alexanders for.