I hope you and your family are doing well during these trying times.
The uncertainty is stressful – but try and stay positive. We’re all in this together and WILL come out stronger.
There are a huge amount of ‘predatory’ health experts coming up from the sewers trying to sell you ‘questionable herbal remedies’ and capitalising on the general public’s fears.
As a result, I decided to put together a list of reliable (meaning I trust them) coronavirus resources to help you and your family stay healthy (and safe).
I’ve used the word ‘rational’ in the title of this post because I am a firm believer in evidence-based living.
I trust the scientific process. And rational also means staying calm and not going into panic mode during a crisis.
Keep well.
The College of Medicine video on coronavirus prevention
If you need someone to talk to
- Samaritans 116 123
- Mind 0300 123 3393
- Calm 0800 58 58 58
- Women’s Aid 0808 2000 247
- Age UK 0800 678 1602
- Childline 0800 1111
- YoungMinds 0800 018 2138
Herbal information about the coronavirus
To my knowledge, no herbalist has ever dealt with COVID-19. So anyone saying X, Y, Z plant WILL help is a blatant liar, simply because they do not actually know.
That being said, there are some herbalists who are offering some rational ‘precautionary advice’ on how you might best manage this situation with herbs. Use the information at your own discretion.
Better yet, talk to an actual qualified medical herbalist. You’ll find a list of reliable medical herbalists here.
Herbal Antivirals: Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections by Stephen Harrod Buhner. Buhner is highly respected as a herbalist. He is very thorough in his research and his suggestions are evidence-based.
7song is a US master herbalist who works on the front line of community herbal medicine. He is one of THE most respected herbalists alive today.
He is also evidence-based and has no time for ‘spiritual herbalism’. These are his most recent handouts for working with COVID-19:
Baldwins: London’s oldest herbal apothecary, has been in business since 1844. They provide an excellent mail order service for purchasing the recommended herbs (and others) in Buhner’s book.
Napiers: Scotland’s oldest herbal dispensary, where herbalists have been continuously practising since 1860. As well as a mail-order service. They can also provide consultations and tailored advice (phone or online).
Woodland Herbs: A lovely little mail-order company I have used before. They were recommended to me by a medical herbalist friend. I ordered some herbs recently when everyone else was having huge delays and out of stock. They delivered very promptly and provide impeccable service.
Herbal and self-care advice on the coronavirus
- Simon Mills (co-author of some of the textbooks medical herbalists use in their training) has a good article: Coronavirus (COVID-19): Building your strength.
- Sensory Solutions: Herbal Support – A Coronavirus Strategy
- Herbal Unity Coronavirus Handout: Many people will treat Coronavirus at home, so this document is a collection of suggestions gathered from many different herbalists online, focusing on things that can be done with common kitchen ingredients or for very little money.
- Polyphenols: food sources, properties and applications.
- Selfcare Toolkit: An excellent free evidence-based healthcare resource site.
- Tai Chi Energy & Breathing Exercise Course: A free course to help strengthen both respiratory and immune systems. The ancient Chinese spent just a few minutes each day practising Qi Gong breathing exercises and energy massage points. This online course contains over 30 teaching videos and 5 instructional PDFs and is created by my friend Paul Read.
Mushrooms and coronavirus/covid
- Martin Powell: Mushrooms and COVID-19
Mutual aid, community support & solidarity
- COVID Mutual Aid UK is a group of volunteers supporting local community groups organising mutual aid throughout the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK. We focus on providing resources and connecting people to their nearest local groups, willing volunteers and those in need.
- Solidarity Apothecary: Herbal medicine as mutual aid.
- Herbalist Mutual Aid Directory: A directory of herbalists that are offering free or sliding-scale herbal medicines to support people during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 support services for the elderly and those self isolating
- The Silver Line: Telephone befriending service for the elderly.
- Living Life: Free online courses covering low mood, stress and resiliency.
- Young Minds: The UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.
- Bereavement Counselling: Offers support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies.
- The Samaritans: If you are feeling suicidal or experiencing deep emotions that you feel you are unable to handle, the Samaritans provide a free support service.
- Looking After Yourself: Self-help resources for mental health issues.
- Moodjuice: Online resource for all mental health issues, including bereavement.
Articles on COVID-19
- Bill Gates: How to respond to COVID-19.
- Yaneer Bar-Yam: Physicist studying social challenges including pandemics. Now focused on stopping the Coronavirus. See his website Stop Coronavirus.
Discussions on the coronavirus
- Sam Harris Episode 190: How should we respond to coronavirus?
- Sam Harris Episode 191: Early thoughts on a pandemic.
- Tim Ferriss Episode 414: Discussion with Jack Kornfield on how to cultivate calm in chaos.
Government advice on the coronavirus
- GOV.uk – The latest advice from the British government.
- World Health Organisation’s advice on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
- World Health Organisation’s Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19).
- The Lancet has created a Coronavirus/Covid-19 Resource Centre.
- Why facemasks are not enough: 2019-nCoV transmission through the ocular surface must not be ignored.
What to do in a pandemic
Emergency preparedness is a minefield of misinformation. You’ll find folks who believe the universe is one big conspiracy, right through to predatory survivalists who target the weak and vulnerable in order to steal anything that will keep them alive.
Fortunately, there is some reliable, rational emergency preparedness information out there just in case things do go South.
- The Prepared is a good place to start.
- Australian virologist Ian McKay has posted suggestions on how to prepare and prevent coronavirus.
- Adam Gries: How to decide when to take precautionary action about coronavirus (COVID-19) and what to do: an analytical model. Some basic advice on the precautionary steps you can take if there is an outbreak in your local community.
Regular updates on the coronavirus
- CIDRAP: Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
- Center for Health Security newsroom updates.
- Center for Health Security situation reports.
- StatNews: Respected public health journalist updates.
- Research Breakdown on Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- Interactive map from Johns Hopkins University shows the effects of coronavirus in real-time.
- John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Centre.
- TheVirusWatch.org
- Who.int
Online education resources for young people and adults
- TED Ed: In response to coronavirus TED has launched this new learning platform for students and educators.
- Seneca Learning: Online learning support resource for GCSE/ A-Level/ KS2 and KS3.
- Corbett Maths: Maths learning support.
- Coursera: Online resource for skills building.
- Udacity: the world’s fastest, most efficient way to master the skills tech companies want. 100% online, part-time & self-paced.
- University of the 3rd Age: Online courses for more mature students.
- Cosmic Kids Yoga: Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation designed especially for kids aged 3+, used in schools and homes all over the world.
- Mystery Science: Free science lessons that inspire kids to love science.
- The Kids Should See This: A wide range of cool educational videos.
- Crash Course is one of the best ways to educate yourself, your classmates, and your family on YouTube! From courses like Astronomy to History and Anatomy & Physiology.
- Crash Course Kids: As above but for a younger audience.
- Tinkercad: a free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. It’s used by teachers, kids, hobbyists, and designers to imagine, design, and make anything!
- Cbeebies Radio: Listening activities for the younger ones.
- Nature Detectives: A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a woodland location!
- Oxford Owl for Home: Lots of free resources for Primary age.
- Big History Project: Aimed at Secondary age. Multidisciplinary activities.
- Red Ted Art: Easy arts and crafts for little ones.
- The Imagination Tree: Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.
- Toy Theater: Educational online games.
- DK Find Out: Activities and quizzes.
- Librivox: Audiobooks. Like Audible, but FREE!
- Boatload Puzzles: Free online puzzles.
- Open Culture: Free colouring books to download and print.