Early spring salad of flowering currant, pea shoots and fresh herbs


  • 2 handfuls tender pea shoots
  • 1 handful flowering currant blossoms
  • Small bunch fresh mint leaves
  • Small bunch chervil
  • 2 radishes, very thinly sliced
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Flaky sea salt

This bright spring salad celebrates the delicate flavor of flowering currant blossoms. The key is to dress it very simply and serve immediately while the flowers are fresh.

Gently wash and dry the pea shoots. Tear any large leaves in half.

Pick the flowering currant blossoms from their stems. Tear the larger mint leaves, leave baby ones whole. Pick the chervil leaves.

Using a mandoline or very sharp knife, slice the radishes paper-thin.

Combine the pea shoots, herbs, and radishes in a bowl. Add the currant blossoms last, handling them gently.

Dress with a generous drizzle of your best olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. Season with flaky salt and serve immediately.
