The transportation of seeds or whole plants is an offence under the Invasive Alien Species (Enforcement and Permitting) Order 2019 in England and Wales and Section 14AA of the Wildlife and Countryside Act in Scotland. This means that no seeds or plants should be removed from the site where they currently grow, and sowing seeds or planting elsewhere either deliberately or accidentally would be a particularly serious offence. – Curtis Wright (phone: 07920 516559. email:
When a beekeeper opens the hive to see that many honeybee workers bear a strange white stripe, he knows that the colony has been foraging on Himalayan Balsam.
The plant tempts the honeybee with its sweet nectar and provides a rich crop in summer. But as the insect crawls inside the flower, its sticky stamen leaves a white stripe on the bee’s thorax.
Often seen as an invasive species, Geoffrey Grigson generously describes the arrival of Himalayan Balsam in the UK:
“Introduced in 1839, it was cultivated at first as a greenhouse annual by gardeners who never imagined the career ahead of it.“
Today, this native Indian plant may be a familiar sight along rivers and stream banks.
Scientific name
Impatiens glandulifera
Botanical description
The prolific flowers of Himalayan balsam are displayed as pink to purple on thick, fleshy, red stems, with fruits later appearing as a capsule. The leaves are dark green and lance-shaped.
Annual. Introduced.
Habitat and distribution
Himalayan Balsam is thoroughly naturalised in the UK and comfortably at home on borders, river and stream banks.
Parts used for food
Harvest time
July, August, September.
Food uses
The seeds can be eaten raw and taste like nuts.
- Himalayan balsam seed curry
- Himalayan balsam and wild fennel crackers
- Lime flower and himalayan balsam vitamin water
Nutritional profile
Not known.
Herbal medicine uses
The flowers have cooling properties, and the leaves have been used to soothe burns. In addition, the seeds are diuretic, and the root juice treats hematuria (blood in the urine).
Other uses
A varnish can be made from the seeds.
Safety note
The plant is exceptionally high in calcium oxalates.
Bennet, S. (1991) Food from Forests. Dehradun, India: Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education.
Mahajan, V. et al. (n.d.) Ethnobotanical inventory on medicinal plants of North Western Himalayas. Journal of Krishi Vigyan. 6.
National Institute of Science Communication (New Delhi, I. (2000) The Useful Plants of India. New Delhi: National Institute of Science Communication, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research.
Negi, P. S. & Subramani, S. P. (n.d.) Wild Edible Plant Genetic Resources for Sustainable Food Security and Livelihood of Kinnaur District, Himachal Pradesh, India. 12.
Quattrocchi, U. (2016) CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology (5 Volume Set). CRC Press.
Szewczyk, K. et al. (2016) Polyphenols from Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Industrial Crops and Products.
Watt, G. & India. (1889) A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. Calcutta: Printed by the Superintendent of Government Printing.