Collect your dulse (Palmaria palmata) from a clean seashore. I collect my dulse off a beach which is MCS recommended. This means it has the highest water quality standards.
- Further Reading: Edible Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland
Step 1
Make sure that you cut your dulse just above the holdfast, leaving a little bit of the stalk and the blade. This allows the dulse to regrow.
The holdfast is the section of the plant that attaches the seaweed to the rock. Don’t just pull the dulse off the rocks as this will break the holdfast and the plant won’t be able to regrow.
Step 2
Rinse the dulse in cold water, and then spin dry in a salad spinner. If you are particularly paranoid about “germs” then pour a cupful of hydrogen peroxide into the water and leave to soak over night. If you do this, you will leach out the sea salt and have a very bland snack. But that’s okay if you are going to be adding your dulse to dishes rather than eating on its own.
Step 3
Lay your dulse in a food dehydrator, and dry for between 30-60 minutes depending on quantity and thickness of your dulse.
After drying store your dulse in an airtight container. I eat my dulse as is, or mix into rice dishes or soak to rehydrate and add it to salads etc.