Nettle Seed Cheese Straws

Wandering the fields and hedgerows, phone left at home. I sense a deep peace and freedom. Unplugged, my awareness stays present with the moment and the elements.

Chancing upon a lovely patch of nettle in seed, I gather. Slowly. Methodically. Breathing.

The simple act of gathering allows me to sink deep down into my bones. Relaxed. At home I dry them on the floor, then store them for later use. Green and wild, wild and green, oh how it feels to be so serene.

Aside from tasting oh-so scrummy, nettle seeds are also a wonderful adaptogen; meaning they help your body adapt to stress.

Many such herbs often come from far flung countries, so it’s nice to know that ‘one of our own’ can help us out when things get too frenetic.

Nettle Seed Recipe: Ingredients

  • 200g plain flour (sieved)
  • 150g mature cheddar cheese (finely grated)
  • 100g butter
  • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
  • 2 tsp dried nettle seeds
  • 1 egg yolk

Nettle Seed Recipe: Suggested Instructions

  1. Put the grated cheese along with the sieved flour into a suitable sized bowl, add the smoked paprika and nettle seeds. Mix together
  2. Next cut the softened butter into squares and add to the mixture, then work between your finger tips until the consistency of crumble, then stir in the egg yolk. Now roll the mixture into a ball.
  3. Dust your work surface, and roll out the ball until it is the thickness of £1 coin. Cut into rectangle strips.
  4. Grease a baking tray and line with baking parchment, then put your cheese strips onto it, leaving a good 1cm between each one.
  5. Bake at 220C for 8 minutes. When done, remove and allow to cool on a rack. Be careful as they will be brittle.

Makes: Approx 16

Further reading: Traditional and Modern Use of Stinging Nettle