How to make a delicious pine oil

Important Update: Some folk are little concerned about possibly getting food poisoning from this recipe. The advice is to keep plants in oil no longer than three weeks and in the refrigerator. This is somewhat open to debate, and there have only been 33 recorded cases of food-borne botulism in England and Wales since 1989. Read Clostridium botulinum & Vegetables in Oil.

Down here in Devon this weekend, the weather was sunny and balmy.

So I took the opportunity to get out and about to shoot a short video for you.

Now, just a few points first, because I also need your help.

This video is only 2 minutes, 30(ish) seconds long.

It’s about Pine.

I’m not “front of camera”, meaning you don’t get to look at me. I made the decision a long time ago, to always make the plants the focus, and myself secondary. OK sometimes my ego gets the better of me and my face does occasionally slip into the videos I make.

You do, however, get to see my hands. Gasp!

This is an “action” video.

Not as in a Hollywood blockbuster sense, but that the information in the video means you can do what I suggest this week! You see, I love technology as much as I love nature. But there’s a big downside to it.

Often folk just watch other people doing things, and think by some weird osmosis that they have actually done it themselves.

I don’t want my videos to turn into “plant porn” or “food porn”…

I want them to inspire you to get outside and start physically engaging with Plants.

That’s the fine line between teaching via technology, and teaching live, in-person.

So that all being said, would you mind taking 2.5 minutes out of your life to watch the Pine video above?

And then (and this bit is REALLY important)…

… leave your thoughts about the video in the comments section at the bottom this page.

I want you to be brutally honest. Tell me what you like, and what’s missing. What else would you have liked me to cover?

If it’s good, say so.

If it’s crap, I want to know.

It will really help me, fine-tune any future videos I create for you… Thanks in advance.