Water Pepper Soup Recipe With Kelp Seaweed

I love the chilli like bite that water pepper has. Combined with miso and kelp seaweed it makes the perfect water pepper soup recipe.

Water Pepper Soup Recipe – Ingredients

  • 30g kelp seaweed
  • 60g mini sardines
  • 1” piece of ginger (sliced)
  • 3 garlic cloves (sliced)
  • 800ml water
  • 3 dessert spoons of naturally fermented miso
  • 30g water pepper (chopped)

Water Pepper Soup Recipe – Suggested Instructions

  1. Simmer garlic and ginger in oil for about 30 seconds.
  2. Add the kelp,  miso then water, stir until the miso has dissolved, then and bring to a gentle simmer.
  3. Now add the mini sardines (available from Asian supermarkets), and gently simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Take off the heat and add the chopped water pepper.