Discover over fifty wild food plants you can forage and harvest in September.
Availability should only be seen as a rough guide. Variations in climate and location will make a difference to what’s available.
Alexanders – Smyrnium olusatrum
Seed: Raw, cooked
Beech – Fagus sylvatica
Seed: Raw, cooked
Black mustard – Brassica nigra
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Seed: Raw, cooked
Bramble or blackberry –Rubus spp.
Fruit: Raw, cooked
Bullace – Prunus spp.
Fruit: Raw, cooked
Chickweed – Stellaria media
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Chicory – Cichorium intybus
Flower: Raw
Cow parsley – Anthriscus sylvestris
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Root: Cooked
Crab apple – Malus sylvestris
Fruit: Raw, cooked
Daisy – Bellis perennis
Flower: Raw, cooked
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Damson – Prunus spp.
Fruit: Raw, cooked
Dandelion – Taraxacum spp.
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Dittander – Lepidium latifolium
Seed: Raw, cooked
Elder – Sambucus nigra
Fruit: Cooked
Fat hen – Chenopodium album
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Seed: Raw, cooked
Fennel – Foeniculum vulgare
Flower: Raw, cooked
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Seed: Raw, cooked
Garlic mustard – Alliaria petiolata
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Root: Raw, cooked
Good-King-Henry – Chenopodium bonus-henricus
Seed: Raw, cooked
Greater burdock – Arctium lappa
Seed: Raw, cooked
Ground-elder – Aegopodium podagraria
Seed: Raw, cooked
Hairy bitter-cress – Cardamine hirsuta
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Hawthorn – Crataegus monogyna
Fruit: Raw, cooked
Hazel – Corylus avellana
Nut: Raw, cooked
Himalayan balsam – Impatiens glandulifera
Seed/seedpod: Raw, cooked
Hogweed – Heracleum sphondylium
Seed: Raw, cooked
Japanese rose – Rosa rugosa
Fruit: Raw, cooked
Juniper – Juniperus communis
Fruit: Cooked
Lesser burdock – Arctium minus
Seed: Raw, cooked
Mallow – Malva spp.
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Meadowsweet – Filipendula ulmaria
Flower: Cooked
Leaves: Cooked
Navelwort – Umbilicus rupestris
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Orache – Atriplex patula
Seed: Raw, cooked
Pineapple-weed – Matricaria discoidea
Flowers: Raw
Red dead-nettle – Lamium purpureum
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Rock samphire – Crithmum maritimum
Seed: Raw, cooked
Rough hawkbit – Leontodon hispidus
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Rowan – Sorbus aucuparia
Fruit: Cooked
Sea-buckthorn – Hippophae rhamnoides
Fruit: Cooked
Sea-purslane – Atriplex portulacoides
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Seed: Raw, cooked
Sea beet – Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Sea sandwort – Honckenya peploides
Leaf: Cooked
Spear thistle – Cirsium vulgare
Flower: Raw
Springbeauty – Claytonia perfoliata
Root: Cooked
Staghorn sumac – Rhus typhina
Fruit: Fresh or dried.
Stinging nettle – Urtica dioica
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Seed: Raw, cooked
Tansy – Tanacetum vulgare
Flower: Raw, cooked
White dead-nettle – Lamium album
Flower: Raw
Leaf: Raw, cooked
Wild carrot – Daucus carota
Flowers: Raw
Seed: Raw, cooked
Wild celery – Apium graveolens
Seed: Raw, cooked
Wild fennel – Foeniculum vulgare
Seed: Cooked, raw
Yarrow – Achillea millefolium
Flowers: Raw
Leaf: Raw, cooked